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If you find any database of your interest, do not hesitate to contact me by private message and you will get an answer as soon as possible!
  • Gazprom Linde Engineering
    68,000 emails from Gazprom Linde Engineering, which specializes in designing gas and petrochemical processing facilities and oil refineries.
    A joint venture between Gazprom and Linde, Gazprom Linde Engineering's clients include Gazprom, Gazprom Invest, Gazprom Neft, Linde, NovatekTatneftChina National Chemical EngineeringSojitz and RusChemAlliance.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 728 GB

  • Technotec
    495,000 emails from the Russian firm Technotec, which has provided oil and gas field services along with chemical reagents used in oil production and transportation to companies including Rosneft and Gazprom Neft since 1995.
    Technotec has also partnered with Russian state research institutes, including the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, and the Institute of Oil and Gas Issues of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 440 GB

  • Dept of Education of the Strezhevoy City District Administration
    250,000 emails from the Deptartment of Education of the Strezhevoy (Стрежево́й) City District Administration.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 221 GB

  • Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
    230,000 emails from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation / Министерство культуры Российской Федерации, which is responsible for state policy regarding art, cinematography, archives, copyright, cultural heritage, and censorship.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 446 GB

  • Blagoveshchensk City Administration
    230,000 emails from the Blagoveshchensk City Administration / Благове́щенск from 2019 through 2022.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 150 GB

  • Tver Governor's office
    130,000 emails from the Putin-appointed Governor of the Tver region and his staff from 2016 through 2022.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 116 GB

  • Forest
    37,500 emails from Forest / Форест, a Russian logging and wood manufacturing firm and associated companies.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 36 GB

  • Aerogas
    Approximately 100,000 emails from Aerogas, an engineering company which specializes in the oil and gas industry. Aerogas' clients include Rosneft, NOVATEK, Volgagaz, Purneft and others.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 145 GB

  • Petrofort
    Approximately 300,000 emails from Petrofort, one of the largest office spaces and business centers in Saint Petersburg.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 244 GB

    Over 20 years, 900,000 emails and 4,000 files from VGTRK / ВГТРК (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company / Всероссийская государственная телевизионная и радиовещательная компания), a Russian state-owned broadcaster which operates five national TV stations, two international networks, five radio stations, and over 80 regional TV and radio networks. The Russian government has declared VGTRK essential for the "security of the state."
    VGTRK also runs the information agency Rossiya Segodnya / Росси́я сего́дня, which operates Sputnik, RIA Novosti and other entities.
    According to former VGTRK employees, Kremlin officials have dictated how the news should be covered, and provided incendiary phrases meant to discredit Ukraine. According to the former employees, while the editors normally have freedom to make decisions, “where big politics are concerned, war and peace, he has no freedom.”
    According to a former VGTRK cameraman, VGTRK employees took editorial directions from the Kremlin, blacklisted experts that didn't hold the party-line, and joked about whose "turn to lie" it was.

    Country: Russia
    Size: 786 GB

  • Capital Legal Services
    Approximately 200,000 emails hacked from the Russian law firm Capital Legal Services, which practices law in a variety of areas.
    An additional 89,000 emails are located in a "Purges" mailbox, consisting largely of bounced email notifications, cron jobs and other server notifications.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 65 GB

  • Central Bank of Russia
    Thousands of files allegedly hacked from the Central Bank of Russia by Thblckrbbtworld, who claims affiliation with Anonymous.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 22 GB

  • Marathon Group
    62,000 emails from the Marathon Group, an investment firm owned by Alexander Vinokurov, who is under EU sanctions for "providing a substantial source of revenue to the Government of Russia." Vinokurov is the son-in-law of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who has provided significant backing to the Marathon Group.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 52GB

  • MashOil
    Nearly 140,000 emails from MashOil, which designs, manufactures and maintains equipment used in the drilling, mining and fracking industries.
    MashOil is the official representative of the FID Group in the Russian Federation. The FID Group unites Belarusian and Russian enterprises that design, manufacture and supply equipment relating to the extraction of hydrocarbons.
    MashOil has tested equipment with Gazprom and signed agreements with Gazprom subsidiaries
    Country: Russia
    Size: 110 GB

  • Mosekspertiza
    Over 150,000 emails, 8,200 files and several hundred gigabytes of databases from Mosekspertiza, a state-owned corporation created by the Moscow Chamber of Commerce to provide expert services and consultations to Russian businesses.

  • Rosatom
    gigabytes of files allegedly hacked from the Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation, including information on Techsnabexport / Техснабэкспорт, commonly known as TENEX, which exports uranium and provides uranium enrichment services for foreign reactors. Rosatom is responsible for 76% of global nuclear technology exports.
    The files include over 10,0000 photographs, over 1,000 documents, numerous files from the websites, and SQL files from 2020.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 15 GB

  • Roskomnadzor
    Over 360,000 files from the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (previously the Russian Federal Surveillance Service for Compliance with the Legislation in Mass Media and Cultural Heritage Protection), often abbreviated and referred to as Роскомнадзор or Roskomnadzor. Roskomnadzor is the Russian agency responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring Russian mass media as well as compliance with personal data processing requirements and coordinating activities involving radio frequencies.
    Roskomnadzor's activities are always a matter of public interest to the people of Russia and to the world. Their recent actions have only emphasized this:
    Roskomnadzor has given instructions about what can be said and ordered media outlets to delete stories that call Russia's invasion of Ukraine an Invasion. In response to Facebook's fact-checking Russia's statements about the war, Roskomnadzor began restricting access to Facebook before later blocking it. Roskomnadzor also threatened to block access to Russian Wikipedia over their article about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This follows an established history of similar actions in the past.
    These files come from the Roskomnadzor of the Republic of Bashkortostan, one of the largest republics of Russia. While some of the material will be Federal, much of it will relate to Bashkortostan but all of it offers an unprecedented look at Roskomnadzor.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 817 GB

  • RostProekt
    2.4 gigabytes of emails allegedly hacked from the Russian construction company RostProekt / РостПроект.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 2.4 GB

  • Thozis Corp
    5,500 emails from Thozis Corp., a Russian investment firm owned by Zakhar Smushkin, which is involved in the project to build the Yuzhny satellite city in Saint Petersburg. One of the largest development projects in Russia, it was approved by the Russian government as a priority investment as part of the 2020 Strategy and receives government support.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 6 GB

  • Transneft
    79,000 emails from the OMEGA Company, the R&D department of Russia's state-controlled pipeline company, Transneft / Транснефть. Transneft is the world's largest oil pipeline company. The emails cover the account's most recent activity, including after the introduction of American sanctions on February 25, 2022. Some of the emails reflect some of the effects of those sanctions.
    In 2018, Transneft took over 31% of shares which belonged to the Russian Federation in Caspian Pipeline Consortium. Transneft is operating over 70,000 kilometres (43,000 mi) of trunk pipelines and transports about 80% of oil and 30% of oil products produced in Russia.
    Country: Russia
    Size: 79 GB

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